I remember standing before a well constituted interview panel on herbal medicine about 12 years ago in my journey to becoming a licensed practitioner.
Scaling through the panelist’s interview is the first hurdle to cross in the long due process of becoming a licensed practitioner of Natural Medicine with LSTMB, Lagos State Ministry of Health.
On that blessed day, an experienced elderly practitioner who was a member of the panel, broke the silence after I had introduced myself by firing the first question.
“You have undergone trainings in various Colleges of Natural Medicine (post University education), spanning decades, what natural health intervention (aside from basic rehydration therapy) will you put in place when a patient who is stooling frequently is brought under your care?” I composed myself and stated that I will administer white clay solution (Nzu/Efun) and……… before I could mention any other natural substance or herb, he interjected and said; “You answered well, I am already satisfied with the first item you mentioned”.
“Next question please,” addressing his other colleagues in the panel….
I was so delighted.
Those days, you just have to be well prepared and composed for that preliminary interview because 2 or 3 members of the panel can hurl questions at you simultaneously in a bid to test and perhaps ascertain how composed you are and how you can effectively work under pressure, under a challenging situation.
So, today, let’s examine some amazing benefits of this useful mineral; white clay, which primarily consists of Kaolinite, magnesium and calcium carbonates, quartz etc.
In most African cultures, white clay is used for its deep, metaphysical and spiritual significance.
In energy medicine, white clay reminds us of the virtue of positivity, purity and cleanliness. It reminds us of the fact that we can still be in a physical world filled with all sorts of filth and dirt but still largely remain untainted, maintain our decency so to speak, if we so desire.
📌White clay is used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, it has strong antimicrobial properties when ingested. You can potentiate its action by adding lime to it.
📌Due to its alkaline nature, it helps to neutralize hyperacidity of the stomach. The implication of this is that it will benefit patients suffering from stomach ulcers, indigestion and heartburns.
📌It binds to toxins, heavy metals, harmful microorganisms, unwanted chemicals and other harmful substances in our gastrointestinal system.
📌It is very useful in the treatment of toothache. In an article I published many years ago, I outlined thoroughly how a paste, a mixture made of white clay, ginger, salt, alligator pepper and water (applied on gum and teeth) help in the treatment of gum diseases, dental carries and other dental problems. Tooth extraction can still be averted in most cases when you act on time. You may do well to refer to that article for details. (I reposted it on my personal Facebook on 30th September, 2021, the title is “taking care of toothache with herbal medicine”.)
📌 White clay allays skin irritations, it is employed for cuts and wounds.
📌White clay reduces inflammation and swelling (in this case, topical application of the water solution will do).
📌 White clay dissolved in water extract of Bitterleaf is best for measles and chickenpox when applied on the skin. Internally, herbal antibiotics should be administered also.
📌White clay also serves some nutritional benefits as it provides minerals like calcium and magnesium needed for strong bone and healthy skin. However, it should be noted that reliance on white clay for the supply of these minerals should not be total as these minerals vary in white clay samples depending on their geological source.
📌Caution must be taken so as not to abuse the use of white clay. Prolonged and heavy intake of white clay should be avoided because of few impurities that can be found in some samples of white clay. Although the quantity of these impurities are comparatively minimal, prolonged use will definitely accumulate and add up and the resultant effect will not augur well with the human frame.
📌Any time you ingest white clay for any reason, do not fail to consume a lot of water to prevent constipation.
📌Practitioners of medical astrology like myself know that white clay is imbued mostly with lunar vibrations (moon energy). In medical astrology, the moon’s jurisdiction extends to the stomach, all body fluids (including digestive juices, enzymes, hormones, lymph and blood), immunity, breast, ovaries, menstrual cycle, womb etc. You can now understand why women experiencing recurrent miscarriages due to ‘lower abdominal heat’ are advised in traditional settings, to drink and apply white clay solution. Also, this feminine energy explains why white clay in African culture stands for purity, motherhood, protection from malevolent forces, emotional stability, emotional intelligence, nurturing and caring, cleanliness, clarity of mind, clear intuition, clear sight and vision etc. (recall those faces in the epic movies bearing white clay marks around their eyes 😊).
I will, in future discuss how the misuse of some sacred items used by our forefathers has impeded our technological development, how it affected our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth.
Our progenitors weren’t stupid after all , they were not saints (well taken). Nevertheless, not everything associated with their practices are bad or should be condemned or subjected to ridicule as is unfortunately the trend among the present-day inhabitants of African continent.
Africans should finally wake up from their deep slumber.
Please when in doubt about the mode of preparation, dosage and administration of white clay for health purposes, consult a trained and licensed naturopathic physician or medical herbalist.
Prof. Gilbert Ezengige