Ignorance can lead to unpleasant living experiences. Ignorance, however, is no excuse in the face of both terrestrial and celestial laws.
Something as simple as knowing how or how not to lie down at night so that your head would face or not face a particular direction can be a major deciding factor in healing or in you becoming even more terribly sick sometimes it may even fast track stroke incidences.
Our earth itself is like a huge magnet with defined north and south polarity axis.
When a magnet is freely suspended on a thread, it dangles for a while and finally comes to a resting position always aligning to the north-south directional axis and not otherwise. Following the law of magnetism which states that like poles repel but unlike poles attract, the south pole of the magnet automatically gets attracted to and faces the earth’s magnetic north pole and vice versa.
As above so below, humans also are magnetic beings; our head corresponds to the north pole and the feet to the south pole.
If you sleep with your head facing or pointing towards the earth’s magnetic south pole, you are like that freely suspended magnet on a thread; you are in harmony, in sync, in attraction with the earth’s magnetic energy. It can be likened to one swimming in the willed direction of stream flow. You dissipate less energy, the water current will smoothly and simply carry you along.
When on the other hand, you make a U turn, change direction i.e face the opposite direction, you begin to encounter the forceful water current that hinders your motion, you begin to exert and burn more energy and sooner than later become fatigued. This is literally the type of harm you cause to your self by lying in the wrong direction every night of your life.
Now from your bedroom position, identify and face the direction of the East i.e the direction from where the sun rises from, your back becomes the west, your left hand the north and your right hand the south. Reposition your bed accordingly so that your head will face the south and your feet the north while asleep and begin to enjoy the benefits of good night sleep (all other condition being equal).
You will experience deeper sleep, experience less nightmares, overcome sluggishness, body aches, weakness and mental lethargy upon waking up in the morning. You will experience less elevated blood pressure and less anger, frustration and confusion. Enjoy the soothing, restoring, calming, balancing, normalizing effect of the earth’s magnetic field while you sleep.
Sleep well.