Prof. Gilbert Ezengige

I always tell my teeming students (during online and physical contact sessions) that health and healing is not just about treating this organ or flushing out that bacteria out of the system. Yes, the process of getting well entails much more.

My students are always amazed when during my lectures, I show them how one’s general health can be assessed from examining one’s palm, eyes, tongue and even from one’s handwriting as well as benefiting from medical astrology.


Truthfully speaking, preventive medicine should be the medicine of today and of the future. You know why? Patients are tired and sick of name tags; they are tired of being called diabetic patients, hypertensive patients, anemic patients, ulcer patients etc. They need a preventive medicine practitioner who can tell them what to change in their lifestyles or specific food items and remedies to incorporate in their daily lives or the necessary spiritual lifestyles to imbibe to prevent life threatening conditions. Natural medicine provides all of that.

Man’s makeup transcends the physical realm. The connection existing between human emotion, mental state and physical organs is fairly appreciated by most practitioners of medicine and related disciplines. The relevance of areas of specialization such as psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry are enough proof.

The spiritual angle to healthy living, wellness and disease management has not received the necessary attention it deserves. Here and there, some religious bodies and spiritual organizations are known who still keep the flame aglow.

Man is indeed a complex being; The marvelous interaction between the physical and the spiritual, the mundane and the subtle are so awesome.
There are marvelous links or threads that are neatly and invisibly woven between our physical organs and our higher faculties. The realities of such links are encountered frequently in our daily conversations and expressions. Statements like ‘I render my HEART-felt apology, I can’t STOMACH it any longer, he hasn’t got enough LIVER , his circumstances make him to SHOULDER a lot of responsibilities etc. are all indicative of Organs/Emotions links and relationship.

An individual who is in the habit of always bottling up his emotional hurts is more likely to experience gastrointestinal discomforts and ulcers no matter what modern medicine proffers as the primary cause of these medical conditions.

Hyper aggressive disposition causes a lot of white blood cells to flood our blood streams.

Uncontrolled anxiety and stress negatively impact on the cardiovascular system leading to various types of heart ailments.

Constant frowning frequently adds lots of unsightly lines to your face and makes you age faster.

Constant, unexpressed anger promotes gallbladder stone formation.

Grief and sorrow hasten various types of heart diseases and lower your immunity significantly.

The list is endless.

In our various endeavors, be it at work places, family settings and spiritual communities, we speak of God, of Divinity, of Spirit, of spiritual healing, of miracles and of God’s great Love. Unfortunately, some of us are guilty of religious acts bordering on extremism and complete ignorant-of-life-processes.

All the same, no one can effectively talk about the processes involved in true healing without bringing in the concept of LOVE and HOLISM.

According to Ricardo Rojas an energy medicine health reporter,
“The lack of love opens the door to inferior beings that enter with arms charged with negativity, anxiety, fear, sadness, hate, phobia, etc. Love nourishes health. Negative emotions nourish illness. Healing love energy flows through healers’ hands into diseased organs of a sick person’s body when healers touch those areas. We do not help others by identifying with other’s pain. We do help them by channeling extra Love energy needed to move them beyond their pain.”

It goes without saying that the channeled Love Energy described by Ricardo Rojas has colours and tones which can always be modulated by the one transmitting this healing essence.

As a matter of fact, colour energy is the basis of all healing modalities. Every substance has a specific finer colour-radiation that determines its overall matrix and activity in nature.
Even in the science of drug analysis, mention is always made of colour separation of active ingredients obtained through chromatography. To the enlightened, “The colour indicates the specie and the specie determines the colour”; what a simple and sound spiritual principle ?

Some colour therapists understand the colour needs of their clients after merely engaging them in discussions through the art of history taking. When for instance a client presents the following signs and symptoms; headache, fever, insomnia, eye problems, fast heart beat and nervousness to mention a few, a colour therapist will automatically know that the colour blue is the right colour for that individual because those signs and symptoms separately responds to blue rays. He then proceeds to channel blue rays through different techniques such as solarisation, using coloured bulbs, employing specific blue gemstones on his clients etc.

The unique thing about natural medicine is that it is holistic in nature. Holistic medicine discards the extremists or reductionists view that stamp spiritual or material approach as all that is needed to effect cure. A holistic medical practitioner gratefully accepts from creation any system that promotes equilibrium in his patients.

You will periodically encounter few human beings who would want to acknowledge God’s healing and restorative power only if a sick person gets well without taking herbs, drugs and other necessary health aids. Some of these ignorant folks assert with all religious fervor and zeal which they are capable of mustering that it is a faithless act for a religious faithful to combine prayers and drugs as if combining prayers and drugs would amount to an overdose.

On the other hand, few folks consider any thing spiritual to be false. They are content in living in their world of their own creation where anything that cannot be felt by their physical senses is consigned to the world of fables and all those who believe in some forms of spirituality are regarded as fools to be pitied.

God created all the medicinal plants and other substances that can advantageously be utilized in the treatment of our ailing organs. When we say we do not need His provision, we are automatically denouncing His all-knowing status; we may even still maintain some forms of godliness but be denying God’s power thereof. This estrangement systematically dulls our receptivity to God’s healing power; it does not enhance it as some would erroneously want to believe.

In addition, the word ‘PATIENT ’ used in describing the sick person speaks volumes. Patients must exercise patience before the forces of nature awakened through fasting, prayers, herbs, massage, nutrition, aromatherapy etc. will begin to act on them. If only those patients that change their doctors frequently as they change their clothes assimilate the meaning of just this one word (patient), they would save themselves so much disappointments and agonies.

Our emotions affect our bodies physiology; a woman’s regular menstrual cycle for instance can alter drastically as a result of a relationship that has gone sour.

There is a positive means of harnessing this emotional thought energy for healing and our patients are taught this technique.

The harbouring of fear is one of the negative ways of applying this emotional thought energy because organs of the body are harmed by it. As an example, you tune in to a radio or a television station and hear or watch an oncologist, a cancer expert enumerate signs and symptoms of breast cancer, in a moment it appears some of the symptoms mentioned are with you already, you quickly make up the other symptoms he enumerated but which you don’t quite experience. You begin to assume you occasionally feel those symptoms too. You start to entertain serious fears. You start to broadcast your fears to the universe silently out of silent panic. This inward apprehension stays with you for years or even decades.
One day, in carrying out a routine medical examination on you, the doctor recommends further tests to be carried out to ‘judge’ your cancerous state and ‘pass a sentence’ on you. In your innermost being you are expecting nothing different. Lo and behold! The test comes out positive. What you have feared most has happened to you as was the case of the biblical character known as Job.

Be positive therefore and with an optimistic view of life face all challenges calmly, courageously and prayerfully. Embrace this new healing method of allowing healing rays of love to envelope you.

Astrology is the study of celestial bodies in connection with their subtle effects on minerals, plants, beasts, man and indeed all creatures. As an offshoot of ancient astronomy, astrology has grown to become an important field of study.

Star radiations also play major roles in the history of the world. It influenced noble actions of great men and contributed in shaping the lives of kings and servants; the stars impel but they do not compel.
Astrology has wide application ranging from medicine, governance, relationship to career selection.

Our lives, languages, calendars, health, diseases are all embedded in astrological lores and traditions.
When we say for instance that a particular day is a Monday, Sunday or Saturday, we are actually implying that those days are overseen by their corresponding planetary energies, hence Moon-day, Sun-day and Saturn – day. Other days of the week have their planetary linkages hidden in other languages. In French language , Tuesday is Mardi; day of Mars, Wednesday is Mecredi; day of Mercury and so on.

In wishing happy birthdays to our friends and loved ones we often add, “happy many returns ‘ to frame our wishes . What is it that is actually ‘returning’? The answer is, the SUN. The sun keeps returning to the position it was during your birth approximately every 365 days.

When the psalmist declared that the sun shall not smite him by day nor the moon by night, was he not acknowledging the effects of the sun and moon on our being? In Africa, indigenes have since known through observation and being closer to nature that certain diseases, especially those affecting the mind tend to aggravate during certain phases of the moon. In Africa we call mad people lunatics because of the effect of the lunar (moon) cycle on them. This same lunar cycle explains the cause for the rise in sea level documented by oceanographers during the full moon phase.

Astrologers for years know that our moon influences female fertility to a large extent. The 28-day lunar cycle corresponds to the average 28–day menstrual cycle in women. Ancient civilization knew the influence that our moon has on sex and fertility hence the popular phrase ‘honey moon experience’ connection with the newly married couple.

We describe psychological traits of people by associating them to some planetary and star qualities: You hear when people say to others; “you are a SUN-ny fellow or MARS-tial (war-like) traits, MERCUR-ian (intelligent) mind, LUNATIC (moon, moody) behavior” etc.

Natural medicine stresses the importance of regarding every individual as a unique creature requiring a specialized therapy that is structured and modeled strictly to suit him. The mental, physical, social and spiritual conditions are factors that should be considered in working out appropriate remedies. Comprehensive health evaluative methods such as medical astrology, medical hand analysis, graphology (hand writing analysis), iridology (diagnosis from the iris), sclerology (diagnosis from the sclera), reflexology, tongue diagnosis, acupuncture aura and distance diagnosis etc. may be adopted to ascertain the root cause of a patient’s illness.

Keep learning and keep seeking for practical knowledge; embrace these multidimensional faces of healing today. Thanks for your time.

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