Few years ago, I had a female patient who narrated how she nearly lost her life after undergoing a fibroid operation in one of the popular hospitals in Lagos.

She lost so much blood after the surgery and the aftermath complications nearly took her life as the surgeon was simply overwhelmed.

That day she spoke so emotionally about her experience that I was prompted to ask for the date the surgery was done. When she told me, I quickly checked the lunar calendar for that day of the operation. (You too can do it, simply download any lunar Calendar App from your Google play store or app store). I confirmed that the surgery was done during the full moon period. I immediately remembered the wise counsel of HIPPOCRATES (460-370 BCE), recognised as the father of modern medicine to his students, advising them and I quote, “IT IS BETTER NOT TO OPERATE WHEN THE MOON IS FULL” (of course for elective surgery cases). His reason was that using “knife” on a patient during the full moon could result in a very high risk of complications, heavy bleeding and inflammation.

Still on the lady patient that visited me, she told me that three other ladies in her ward passed through similar horrific experiences and that one of them eventually couldn’t pull through.

When she left my office that day, I paused for a while and remembered four close relations that nearly died during various types of surgeries they did. I quickly called them, enquired from them the exact dates that surgeries were performed on them, they obliged and later that day, sent me the details. I again checked the lunar calendar and discovered that three out of the four ladies had their surgeries when the moon was full or waxing.

In awe and in humility, I bow to God’s unfathomable wisdom.

Now,it simply means that for surgeries that are not emergency in nature, which can be delayed for a few more days, that a surgeon armed additionally with just a lunar calendar can avert many “stories that touch the heart”.

As the moon passes through its phases, human beings as well as other creatures are affected in diverse ways. If we work with the flow of natural forces, we do well; when we work against the natural current, diseases are either initiated or exacerbated.

The sequence of the lunar phases are as follows.

✅ New Moon
✅ Waxing Crescent
✅ First Quarter
✅ Waxing Gibbous
✅ Full Moon
✅ Waning Gibbous
✅ Last Quarter
✅ Waning Crescent

🔴 Now take down these facts for your perusal and utmost consideration.

📌 Do you want to add weight, start that wonder food/ supplements weight gain treatment during the Waxing Phase of the moon and you will most likely add weight.

📌 Similarly, to build up your red blood cells, regenerate and build up worn out tissues, the Waxing Phase of the moon should mark your starting period for treatment.

📌 For those who are always emotional, remember that the moon’s gravitational pull also affects water in your body (cerebrospinal fluid inclusive) just like it increases sea levels too. Make deliberate efforts to remain calm as full moon rays may lead to heightened emotions, depression and mood swings.

📌 Do you know that during Full Moon, more bleeding can occur during surgery and as such that Waning Phase of the moon is preferable for elective surgeries procedures?

📌 Do you know that the best period to detoxify the system or even commence weight loss treatment is during the waning phase of the moon? You will experience greater weight loss if you adjust to this natural rhythm.

📌 Do you have a very chronic infection that has lasted for years and refuses to go even when you have taken so many medications? target the waxing phase of the moon to start another treatment procedure or protocol. The reason is because our bodies’ immune responses, our white blood cells, our antibodies tend to reach their peak during this phase of the moon and also our bodies ability to assimilate and maximise vitamins, minerals and other nutritional and non nutritional healing factors in foods or medicine is enhanced in the waxing phase of the moon.

📌 Do you want to plant your vegetables and other plants whose nutritional parts grow upwards? towards the sun, then plant them during the waxing moon phase.

📌 The waning moon phase period is ideal for root crops (cocoyam , yam, carrot, potatoes etc); plant those during the waning phase.

📌 Lunar cycle affects both male and female hormones. For example, during full moon , there is usually a heightened sexual energy and libido in men. Do you recall that expression, “honeymoon experience“? There, lies the key.

📌 The full moon triggers oxytocin, the hormone needed for social bonding, happiness and interaction. Up till today, (regrettably in few villages in Nigeria) , children and adults are propelled by the surge of love hormone (oxytocin) to partake in “tales by moonlight” activities (Egwu ọnwa ) in Igbo.

📌 During the Full Moon phase, patients with fluid retention or high blood pressure may notice an aggravation in their conditions, they just need to carry out some natural procedures to avert that.

The list goes on and on.

📍 Each time I discuss energy medicine with my students in class, I tell them emphatically that Energy medicine is making a strong comeback to assist us regain lost grounds occasioned by unmeasured rush to embrace and endorse all that civilization has offered or should I say, heaped on our laps. The lost grounds is also attributed to life of ease and “I too know mentality” especially among present day Africans.

📍 Today we are all crying and wailing over the spade of insecurity in our land when we, full blooded adults, collectively, by acts of omission or commission (at homes, religious centres and at the seat of government at all levels) largely abandoned that social, communal bonding naturally derivable from simply observing and partaking in “Tales by moonlight” settings (egwu onwa).

📍 We have consistently jettisoned the utilisation of that monthly oxytocin surge, required for social bonding that is always triggered by the moon.

📍When the spirit of family, cultural and societal bonding (that the moon offers us monthly (I like to call it moon-thly) is lacking one can not love himself and as a result will lack the capacity to love another person.

We are far from tackling insecurity challenges the right way.

Using the popular phrase, I can only say .”DEY PLAY”.

Prof. Gilbert Ezengige

#LunarCycle #Health #Wellbeing #relationships

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