A combination of good foods and herbs can ensure healing for people plagued by peptic ulcer.
Some natural ingredients are known for their medicinal properties that can help people suffering from ulcer. Such items have among other properties the ability to heal gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory diseases, wounds and irritated mucous membrane conditions and arrest bleeding .
For example, JUTE LEAF, “AHIHARA” OR “EWEDU” known botanically as Corchorus olitorius can aid the treatment of this ailment.
COCONUT MILK and OKRA fruit powder are excellent for this condition also.
Astringent herbs can help to arrest bleeding in the bleeding type of ulcers. A good example of astringent herb is GOAT Weed, that is, “AGADI-ISI-AWO” or “IMI-ESU” known scientifically as Agerantum conyzoides. This plant also possesses anti-microbial property. This is significant as some stomach ulcers are caused or triggered by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Aside from arresting bleeding, it has direct action in healing stomach and intestinal ulcers when fresh leaves are crushed, extracted with water and a measured quantity ingested twice daily in an ‘empty’ stomach.
Other edibles include;
CABBAGE (Brassica oleracea).
Ripe PAWPAW (Carica papaya).
BANANA (Musa sapientum).
AVOCADO pear (Persea americana).
Also, GARDEN EGG fruit (Solanum incanum) can be eaten frequently to treat this confition.
“OGBONO” soup prepared from the seed of Irvingia gabonenseis can be eaten regularly to cure this ailment.
Naturopaths also advocate the use of the GEL from ALOE VERA and or water extract of the plant, “OGBOLO” root (Cissus populnea) as well.
Intake of WHITE CLAY (kaolin) water solution is useful too.
Ingesting powdered FUNGUS-MUSHROOM SOUP THICKENER known as ‘USU’ (Pleurotus tuber-regium) is very helpful too.
In some situations, patients may be required to ingest about 2 teaspoonful of edible charcoal powder twice daily, 3 hours before meals to fast track the healing process.
When the ulcer affects the stomach wall, it is referred to as stomach or gastric ulcer; if the duodenum is ulcerated it is called duodenal ulcer. Ulcer that erodes the esophagus is called esophageal ulcer. Peptic ulcer is the general name. The principal symptom of peptic ulcer can be described as a deep and gnawing pain around the upper abdominal region which tends to subside somewhat shortly after partaking of a soothing meal.
Always consult your physician for health evaluation and prescription.