Tiger nut which goes by the scientific name Cyperus esculentus is known in Nigeria by different local names. The Igbos call it ‘Aki-Hausa, Yorubas call it ‘Ofio’ and the Hausas call it ‘Aya’.
Tiger nut has a lot of medicinal benefits especially when prepared in milk form. Some of the health benefits include;
IMMUNOSTIMULATOR : Tiger nut milk stimulates and improves your immune system, fortifying it to be able to combat infections of all types. The need for a food drink with this property at this period we are in is obvious.
PREVENTS HEART ATTACK : When you think of a simple nut that can prevent heart attack as well as prevent local coagulation or clotting of the blood in a part of the circulatory system, remember tiger nut.
ITCHING : Consumption of tiger nut milk significantly reduces and controls skin itching.
PREVENTS WRINKLES : Do you experience premature ageing and skin wrinkles ?, start taking tiger nut milk as a remedial measure.
AIDS TREATMENT OF LIVER DISEASES : In diseases of the liver, tiger nut and milk should be one of the essential healing food articles to include; it is a liver friendly nut.
PREVENTS BLOOD CLOTS : Tiger nuts prevents formation of blood clots in the blood vessels that could even result to stroke.
OVERCOMES DEBILITY: In situations where you become weak and fatigued first reach out for a glass of tiger nut milk for that instant pick-me-up feeling and rest.
SEX STIMULANT: The ability of tiger nut to stimulate sexual urge and help both men and women suffering from low libido is not in doubt as evidenced in many scientific researches and studies.
TREATS FLATULENCE: When you constantly experience bloating of the stomach or you pass a lot of gas, it is time to reach out for a glass of tiger nut milk for a natural solution.
PREVENTS CONSTIPATION: Do you suffer from constipation and find it difficult to pass out fecal waste?. Do you find defecating a difficult task? Start consuming tiger nut milk regularly and get all of that resolved.
TREATS MENOPAUSAL l SYMPTOMS: Women that enter menopausal phase of their lives experience very discomforting symptoms; from hot flushes to mood swings to vagina dryness. Tiger nut milk helps to allay those distressing symptoms.
TREATS NEURALGIA: Do you experience nervous pains? Tingling and radiation of pain along a nerve pathway, Tiger nuts contain essential nutrients that can mitigate that condition with time, with constant use.
RICH IN DIGESTIVE ENZYMES : Tiger nuts is rich in digestive enzymes which promote digestion and help you maintain healthy gut flora. Tiger nuts provide the useful prebiotics for healthy intestinal health. Remember, you are as healthy as your gastrointestinal system.
WHOLE BODY ENERGIZER AND TONIC: Tiger nut milk is a great tonic for the whole body systems.
FOR ATHEROSCLEROSIS: Patients suffering from hardening of arteries benefit a lot from the consumption of tiger nut milk. It helps make their blood vessels more pliable and elastic.
GOOD FOR DIARRHEA: when diarrhea sets in, take lots of tiger nut milk.
REGULATES MENSTRUAL FLOW : Tiger nuts regulates menstrual flow. It is good for women experiencing either scanty or heavy flow.
ENHANCES FEMALE FERTILITY : Thanks to its salutary effect on the female hormone estrogen, tiger nuts assists women with decline in fertility.
ENHANCES MALE FERTILITY : Phytonutrients in tiger nuts help to promote the production of the male hormone known as testosterone.
REDUCES BAD CHOLESTEROL: The low density lipoprotein (LDL), considered as the bad cholesterol is reduced with regular consumption of tiger nut milk. Simultaneously, the good cholesterol known as the high density lipoprotein (HDL) is increased.
TIGER NUT is rich in trace element chromium known to promote pancreas health, promote insulin function and control blood glucose level.
The nut is also rich in fatty acids (Oleic acid and Linoleic acid) which support healthy cardiovascular functions.
Other very important nutrients in tiger nuts include; Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium.