Let’s get into action immediately ….
1, 2,3 go o !
1. Let’s improve our digestion by eating ripe pawpaw fruits
2. When you cut in pieces and soak unripe pawpaw fruit in 5 liters of water (at room temperature), you can start taking 4 tablespoon of the extract, three times daily to correct amenorrhea (lack of menstrual flow).
3. In addition, regular intake of ripe pawpaw fruits corrects menstrual disorders.
4. You know, most times, we consume too much protein
(Animal protein especially) as adults that our body don’t need; aside from the negative impact this has on the
kidneys, our body try to wall this excess protein off as tumors, fibroids and growths. Pawpaw fruit is rich in proteolytic enzyme
(Protein – breaking enzyme) known as papain. Therefore, enjoy your Pawpaw fruit lavishly.
5.Why complain continuously of heartburn? Keep enjoying your ripe pawpaw fruit to notice remarkable improvement.
6.Do you know that pawpaw fruit can quicken the healing of stomach ulcers? Now you know, what are you waiting for?
7. Pawpaw has a cardioprotective property, it protects our heart.
8. Do you suffer from bowel inflammation? Pawpaw fruit to the rescue.
9. Do you always complain of lack of appetite? Take a wonderful appetizer we call pawpaw fruit often.
10. Do you know that regular consumption of pawpaw fruit benefits the joints and it is as well a suitable fruit for treating arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatism?
11.The same unripe pawpaw water extract prepared as described in the second point, corrects spleen enlargement known medically as splenomegaly.
12. Drinking infusion or decoction made from pawpaw leaves have anticancer property, it is administered as part treatment protocol in various forms of cancers such as colon cancer, uterine cancer and lung cancer.
13. You may be regularly constipated; this may not be that you do not drink enough water or eat fruits and vegetables regularly but simply because the flow of bile (a natural laxative) is inadequate in you. Increase bile flow using a cholagogue, (pawpaw leaves has cholagogue action ).
14. Fresh pawpaw leaves scrub has skin cleansing and nourishing effect.
16 You can brew the dried yellow leaves of pawpaw and take to treat feverish conditions.
17. You can also brew the dried yellow leaves of pawpaw and take regularly to treat liver diseases.
Please note that herbal medicines are best prescribed by a trained and licensed naturopathic medicine physician or a medical herbalist.
Prof. Gilbert Ezengige FCPNM